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How do i know if a guy has a crush on me


Well-Known Member
Hi, I'm Anna and I'm 15, and for a while I've been suspecting that a guy in my class might have a crush on me but I'm not sure.
What I've noticed so far is that he always tries to talk to me everyday he also tries to make me laugh.
Also one time I got a really bad grade in math and he was trying to cheer me up wich was really nice.
He also once told me that he wouldn't want me to go, like a dude in my class said as a joke he wouldn't care if I commited suicide I mean it was really unprovoked that's just that dudes humor he didn't actually mean it so don't worry.
But then this guy that I'm suspecting might like me said that he wouldn't want me gone and that he wouldn't care if anybody else disappeared but he didn't want me to go wich was pretty sweet.
Now I haven't been going to school for the last week because of mental health reasons and he texted me once telling me to come back to school, and then again and then he asked me why I couldn't come to school.
Wich is all pretty sweet of him, but I dont know if im looking to deep into it or he actually likes me maybe he just sees me as a good friend, oh and he also liked a story I posted of myself once.
But he problably only likes me in a friend way
At 15 you are a bit young to be worrying about anything more than like. Love doesn't just happen. It develops over time. Enjoy the friendliness, return the friendliness, and maybe do something together.

I think he does like you, but beware that at that hormone-unstable age, his ideal romance might look a lot different than yours. If you have boundaries in a relationship, be prepared to defend them.
He may like you but not in a serious manner, more just a friend way. Or not in a friend way, in a no-clothes way. So just be aware, and stay safe, please. I raised my daughter, and educated her that rape is real, and happens to 1 out 5 woman.
If he likes girls at all, he probably does like you. That doesn’t necessarily mean he wants to be more than friends though. It’s very common for NT guys to separate love, lust, and friendship in ways you might not ever understand. But the fact that he has not asked you out yet or been ‘inappropriate’ most likely means he’s probably a decent guy.

So maybe the question to ask yourself is this: Risk scaring off a friend or risk watching him get scooped up by another girl.
How do I know if a guy has a crush on me?
You don't. If he pays any attention at all to you, chances are that he may only think of you as a potential sex-partner, just like any of dozens (or hundreds) of other women he knows.
Hi @Annaa, hope you're well this week, feeling a bit better and brighter (or at least, not so bad) and that if you've returned to class then it's going ok. School can be a tricky, stressful and confusing environment to handle for ASD people, so you're doing the right thing putting your mental health first. If and when you're ready, let us know how you're getting on.

As to your question, I want to say first off that the critical point to take away from all this, even if you ignore everything else we've said, is that what you want and feel matters most. How do you feel about him, beyond all the superficial niceties? Does he give you a good clean vibe? Does he make your heart feel light or heavy? How do you feel mood-wise after a conversation or encounter with him? Is it exciting or anxiety-spiking to be around him? Is he someone you could see yourself alone with? Would you trust him to take care of your pet or little sibling (if you have one)?

I say all this, to let you know it doesn't matter if he likes you or not, if he wants your friendship or something else, if you don't like or want him as well. You are the one who possesses your own feelings, and putting yourself first in matters of the heart are essential. It may feel flattering or like a refreshing change to have anyone deeply interested in you and asking after you at all, especially if you may be lonely at school, but this doesn't mean you have to accept attention from just anyone who bothers to look your way. You are worth so much, and you have a right and the power to pick and choose on whom you spend time or emotion.

I want you to know this relationship dynamic is in your power to dictate, the ball is in your court. Take some time for yourself to figure out what if anything you want out of it, and on what terms. Because if you do want a relationship beyond friendly collegiate acquaintanceship, then it will benefit you and this boy to know what the boundaries, expectations, and deal-breakers are. I know that probably sounds heavy and like a lot of intimidating work, but we're trying to keep your safety in mind here.

As for this guy you're wondering about, he does in some way sound interested in or by you, that's for certain. As other posters have wisely said, though, at your ages and in your situation, it's difficult to glean the reason why without having confirmation. It's a pity that people aren't like Sims, with flashing diamonds above their heads to tell us how they feel and what they're truly after!

At this point in life, this boy you're dealing with has likely not had much experience with women or dating (if he has already, I would probably curve him), so he's feeling out what he should do or say to get and keep their attention. From how he's been acting with you, it doesn't sound like he's into any disturbing PUA (that's Pick Up Artist) or MGTOW mentalities, which is a good sign.

However, as @jsilver256 , @Aspychata and @Cryptid point out, he may be using sweetness as a bait, to hook girls on whom he can switch up afterwards. A lot of young men & boys these days have minds that are sadly saturated by p0rn and by older men with damaging ideologies instructing them in very inhumane ways to act.

This is very sound advice:
His ideal romance might look a lot different than yours. If you have boundaries in a relationship, be prepared to defend them.

It basically means that if he tries to push or coerce you into anything you're not sure about, then the word "no" with no explanation is your best friend. Don't be afraid to decline anything or walk away or cut off contact/block if you feel discomfort that's beyond nervous excitement. A bad vibe is a warning sign that needs to be listened to and honoured. This lad being kind and gentle to you for a while, whether a few days or a full school term, is nice, but it doesn't mean you owe him anything. Your heart and your body are very precious and belong to you, make sure you treat them as such.

Respectfully, I would challenge this comment:
It’s very common for NT guys to separate love, lust, and friendship in ways you might not ever understand. But the fact that he has not asked you out yet or been ‘inappropriate’ most likely means he’s probably a decent guy.

Imo all guys tend to separate love from lust from friendship--even some 'player'-type Shane McCutcheon women do (I'm a bi female, so I've met a few).

'Decency' as a trait is in how we treat people with no expectation of return or reciprocation or reward, and until you know what this boy really wants, it's best not to assume intentions.

And 'going steady' culture hasn't been common or a social norm for decades now. Asking people out formally seems almost quaint. For the age group of the OP and for the times we're living in, I'm not sure it signifies much one way or another if this lad hasn't made an official overture. Most teens are too awkward to do this, anyhow.

He also once told me that he wouldn't want me to go, like a dude in my class said as a joke he wouldn't care if I committed suicide I mean it was really unprovoked that's just that dudes humor he didn't actually mean it so don't worry.

I hear you, that this lad in your class who told this 'joke' has a dark sense of humour. Even still, it's a very unkind and damaging thing to say out loud to another person, and you would be within your rights to be upset with him, to expect an apology or to want to avoid him. It's a covert form of psychological bullying (I've been through it too, a long time ago--actually from a boy in highschool), and he really shouldn't be behaving like this.

What's more, talking in the way he does indicates he himself may be going through something. I wonder if anyone's flagged this to a teacher or authority figure? This is a sidebar and not related to your question, though.
Best thing you can do is ask directly. Ask if he's into you as a potential romantic partner. If so, ask about hobbies and share some of yours. Don't jump to physical too soon, unless you want that right away. Males have a tendency to like some form of physicality sooner than later. I wouldn't go all the way, but by the third date if not sooner, it's okay to kiss. Physical contact without doing oral or going all the way is reasonably safe. I suggest you wait until you both have career type jobs to consider going all the way, which is like 6-9 years+ in your situation . . .

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