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did Jesus have AB blood type and what does this mean

There is lots of smart people, who found God because they searched for evidence, sometimes involving their field of work.

Myself, i always believed in God, but thought he was a judge far away in the sky, punishing people or something, one day went to a church, and He just touched my being in an awesome manner, that surprised me, and now i know he can be close, is like if a new reality opens for you.
As a Agnostic just want to know what the stoke experience was about, what is the message obviously no issue conversing and discussing it. Why am I still here inflection point next year.
I found an interesting confluence in my DNA results Jan Zeeman my great great grand father , Noach Verhulst, my great great grand father And Dirk Jan Glas my great great grand father are connected. While investigating the Verhulst family all the family trees abruptly end. cannot find PIerre Verhulst their is a Verhulst website where someone is trying to locate all the living Verhulst descendents I thought it was a privacy issue but this is bigger
are they following a blood line. what clued me in was the misspelt Gass connection which i noticed earlier in the DNA results.
(s this a wealthy individual with a strange Dan Bown obsession the Verhulst web site is very professional so far Zeeman is not one of the surnames connected my grand mother was a Glas, both glas and Verhulst are french. are they looking for my family in particular my brother sister and son After all the Berzy settler society keeps track of my wife's family.

Going to see my bother this afternoon as he has B blood maybe this could help move this forward. Did I stumble on some thing big. did not know both sides of my family were wealthy Jan Zeeman died last year who looked my up less then a week later on linkedin. My grand mother always looked down on my dads uncle my dad and I always thought this was strange.
Four four researchers supporting this web site Holland, Belgium, France and USA wife noticed none for Canada
my dad's cousin is a Verhulst he was a psychiatrist got his education at U of T. I guess the USA guy thought up here in Canada we are part of the USA and nobody checked I have living cousins in Windsor who are Verhulsts. The question now do I join the web site and why the interest. Searched Zeeman on site nowhere to be seen, but Glas did turn up they are my mothers side. All attempts to search PIerre Verhulst ends in private. even 6th cousins.Why? I am a second cousin.
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Noticed their is a real interest in finding the living members of the Verhulst family of which I am a member via my great grand mother. This has something to do with having AB positive blood type checked the Verhulst web site
no Zeemans on it my dad cousin was a Verhulst so suspect along with my immediate family and my 2nd cousins family their is about 10 of us who qualify. just filtered out all the DNA connected Verhulsts on my site most of them have went private wierd, my cousin who is also doing the Zeeman family was just in France looks like we are competing I beat him to Pieter Zeeman Verhulst is real mystery I know I have 2nd cousins here in Ontario have meet them now who are they and where are they on my tree Also I share a lot of DNA with them. why the secrets. their are thirty individuals on the site that I share DNA with.
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This is getting stranger every living Ver hulst has gone private deceased no issue we are outing our selves by doing DNA test and then family goes private. or just on tree Verhulst goes private. Why private wealth related why web site
I share a lot of DNA the deeper I look the weirder it gets. I just want to find my connection with PIerre Verhulst.
Pieter Zeeman and Pierre Verhulst are the key to my families intellectual abilities and it is intertwined with AB blood type the so called genius blood type.
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If its about blood type two families on my tree stand out Verhulst on dads side and Glas on mothers side both of french origin Seen Glas misspelt twice Giss and GLass. let a few families know. This Is what tipped me off some thing strange going on noticed connection on Verhulst web site why I'm double AB

Nothing special about Glas family no web site.
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Got six DNA kits, going to give one each to my sons and sons fiance as she is the mother of my grand daughter,
another kit to my wifes sister, and possibly another to my brother who has B blood type or maybe the last one to one of my sisters kids who also has B blood type try to see where the Asian B came from, could be as my brother said ancestor was ships captain and his brother may have brought the type into the family during their travels.

Noticed one strange thing when i last visited my sister, got into the door took my shoes off noticed a copy of Dan browns book sitting on a ledge, seemed a bit odd to me.
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Thanks that was interesting, still wondering how all of this fits in with what happened to me during my stroke and after, weird experience that cannot easily be ignored by me. Must admit the AB in my family is regressing to the mean My oldest son is an AB His name is Christopher I knew since grade school I would name my first child Chris not sure where this came from.
Does any one have the Coles version of the books and movies this conspiracy theory sounds intriguing do not want to get inundated by fruits and nuts did not read any of the books but did watch some of the two movies just thought they were entertaining.last thing I need is Dan Brown checking me out,
The probability of having AB rh positive in europe is 1% so the probability of being double AB is 1 in 10, 000
I got a high temperature again yesterday probably covid, remembered that I had watched a u-tube video from a young lady named Crystal Clay, how she had a dream about AB blood type. thought she was a bit flaky.Her dream happened about the same time as mine 3 three or so years ago, wondered if they are related. My mind likes to connect dots so I revisited her video, read some of the comments. her interpretation was AB protects against covid.
realized she misinterpreted the message. I have AB blood type, It may have been responsible for my stroke. Then it hit me AB blood type does not prevent covid or act as a shield, rather it in my case knocks out the virus very quickly.
That was the message she should have gotten.
Watched documentary on holy grail one connection was Saint Clair family from so for fun, I searched this name in my DNA got a match some guy in the USA fifth cousin wow this getting interesting.like I told my wife do not follow the name follow the DNA. Maybe I should read Dan Browns books, rewatch the movies in a different light. DId Jesus have kids who were spirited out of the middle east to France. Is the real clue follow the blood as a stand in for follow the DNA.The connection with AB blood is recent, not known when the books were written.
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Fourth cousin cannot find name connection. Just keep following the clues these kind of puzzles I like. Last thing I need is Dan Brown coming to my door with plans for a new book. Watching some u-tube videos on how Judism relates to Christianity interesting not some thing I would normally be interested in, starting to see a pattern Jesus killed his, allies spirited his wife and family as far as they could in Roman empire away from those who would harm them. France is pretty far without the weather being too much of an issue.
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Having fun plugged my paternal grandmother's maiden name in my DNA search got 22 surnames nine were connected. with the Verhulst family site interesting obviously some were 5th cousins so not really matches
The more I follow the trail the better it gets. If Dan Brown wants a new book its getting there if he sees this. Cannot make this stuff up.
Did more research, found out to this day Judaism has beef with Christianity They see polytheism, not monotheism,
Even Newton thought this.

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