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College education

At best without a college degree, you do get a certain lower range of pay. Some employers do train, and that really can give your career a boost. Some people budget and despite being minimum wage earners, some save and are able to retire. But inflation is pounding on the door and even employees with college degrees are feeling the increases of rent, food, gas, child care.
And mounds of student loan debt that just grows more each year.
Nowadays, experience often trumps education. Obviously not in every sector. But for someone on the spectrum (i.e. myself), college would have killed me and I doubt I would have ever finished.

Also…. any job that can be done through the internet or Zoom can be done from India. I have watched 1000’s of jobs at my company disappear to other countries. Even psychologists and accountants are conducting virtual sessions. Imagine spending $50K and 6 years on a fancy degree in accounting, only to find out that most of the good jobs have left and there’s a thousand others just like you who are fighting for the few jobs that are still in the US. Salaries go down fast when there are 100 qualified applicants for a single job posting.
Many years ago I applied for a job as a computer tech in a large company that had all that state's government service contracts. It was a lengthy interview with a tour of their facilities as well. During the interview they told me that they dead flat refuse to hire anyone with a university degree, they only hired people with a physical trade certificate.

The reason: "Any idiot can learn how to fix computers but tradesmen have been taught how to work for a living. I refuse to employ 25 year old school children.".
I used to see a website advertised that you didn't need a degree to succeed and even a CEO of some small company was featured. I can't remember the name of the website, but it was something catchy like beyond the thin glass or something along the lines of that. It isn't easy to be successful without a degree, but possible.
Learn as much as you can, and be able to express that. If you don't have any work experience, look for place(s) to volunteer so that you are doing something.
I used to see a website advertised that you didn't need a degree to succeed and even a CEO of some small company was featured. I can't remember the name of the website, but it was something catchy like beyond the thin glass or something along the lines of that. It isn't easy to be successful without a degree, but possible.
Learn as much as you can, and be able to express that. If you don't have any work experience, look for place(s) to volunteer so that you are doing something.
Tear The Paper Ceiling I remember the website now! This is it!!! huzzah!! lol.
^ Ahh . . . but how many diploma-less CEOs does the article feature?

Exceptions do not establish a rule.
What is your opinion on college. My opinion is that you can be successful without going to college. I know you might need a degree to be a doctor, lawyer, nurse and psychologist. However, what if you don’t fit into those categories? College to me was a living hell that would never end. The entire time I was worried that I would be a failure and never be successful. I was so paranoid that I would not get a good job. It ruined my mental health.

As of today, I feel so successful because I had a job that I love going to and I get great benefits that I never thought about. It’s amazing to see the shift from my past self to the me now. To me, you don’t need a college education or a good paying job to be successful. There are many ways to achieve your own personal happiness in life. Life has shown me that you might have everything planned out, but life might have something else planned.You might have a whole experience you didn’t think about.
You can definitely succeed without it, here with have something called tafe too which is more hands on and online courses as well.
I feel like it is harder to succeed in this day and age because people look for skilled workers or experienced but often skilled too.
The hardest thing is too find a job when people look for someone skilled or with previous experience or references from other jobs. It could be hell for someone to find a small starter job without that even casual positions can ask for that but casual is a good start but not a lot of money to live away from home but I have not worked in a long time but casual did not pay much at all for a 5 day week when i worked.
It is hard for autistics, they can learn very fast and easily when it is hands on and they are skilled in that area and may not need qualifications in some areas if they start small and learn and gain experience. That is if they can handle working in the work force.
A consideration that a great many people fail at, regardless of neurological considerations.

"Living within your means" is always a critical aspect of maintaining real independence.
This is often hard for a woman too who wants nice beauty products and nice things
Is finding a way to live on a budget and not wanting more money for spending.
I can really find it hard fo not spend and overspend and get spending addictions and be like yes I need it and I may not
I have had the biggest trouble with that in the last where I think I need things but never use them but sometimes they do come in handy later like you could find something in a cardboard and be like I'm glad I brought it because I did end up needing it just not at that present moment.

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