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That chicken's color scheme reminded me of the everything bagel seasoning I put on the pigs-in-blankets I made for breakfast yesterday. :D
One of our chickens from the past live d to at least 16 years old, though we had her as an adult hen rescued from an egg farm as she would have been killed due to being an older bird... So the 16 years she lasted over that was quite an age.

We also had a pure white budgy who was two years older than me as my parents had a budge in the year just after they were married, a sealyham terrier the next year and they had me the year after so I came out two years after they were married, and the budgy died when I was 16, so he was 18. I think he died through old age as he woke up dead one morning.

But I remember those as people didn't believe me as they said they don't live that long.
One of our chickens from the past live d to at least 16 years old, though we had her as an adult hen rescued from an egg farm as she would have been killed due to being an older bird... So the 16 years she lasted over that was quite an age.

We also had a pure white budgy who was two years older than me as my parents had a budge in the year just after they were married, a sealyham terrier the next year and they had me the year after so I came out two years after they were married, and the budgy died when I was 16, so he was 18. I think he died through old age as he woke up dead one morning.

But I remember those as people didn't believe me as they said they don't live that long.

I had a couple of pet chickens when I was growing up that lived at least 15 years. They stopped laying eggs many years before they died.

I love that you said your chicken "woke up dead one morning". I think I've done that, too. :D
It was the budgy that woke up dead in the morning.

The chicken laid an egg a day right up to the day she died but she stopped laying after that.
We did ger a cockrel but he was a few years younger than she was, and he died about two years before she did, and I could tell she missed him, because after he died she took over his duties and started crowing like he did after that, but she didn't seem to know why, so she would crow at random times and not in the morning when she got up like he had done!
We also had to watch her, as we had a cat who was there when we moved and he was a king cat and would take on anything BUT when this tough old chicken pushed him off his cat food and she would eat it she became like Pop-Eye and spinache! Once watched that car absolutely belt it round the corner of the house and was thinking "Thats unusual for him to run from anything! Whats going on?" and around a few seconds later before I reached the corner to look, the chicken came round in hot persuit, making the sharp corner with a wing out and balancing on one leg while she was running after the cat!
We had to watch the chicken after that that she didn't go on the cat food as she became quite a force to deal with after that.
All the other hens were taken one by one over the years by foxes, as they were all free range. (The chickens, not the foxes... Actually the foxes were free range as well). But this one hen would tackle a fox right to the day she died! Give her access to the cat food and she would take on anything! :D

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