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Any one else here obsessed with physics?

The more I watch Steven Wolfram debate and appear on u-tube the more impressed, I get he seems to be approaching how the universe from the bottom up whereas Neil Turok is going from the top down.
Yes, for as long as I can remember. I have been interested in cosmology, space, and physics. I follow many Youtube channels around the topics.

The ironic thing is that I'm terrible at maths. I still find myself listening to videos of Sabrina Gonzalez Pasterski discussing her new Celestial Holography program at The Perimeter Institute, or Andrew Strominger lecturing on black holes and Anti De Sitter Space.

Sabine Hossenfelder, whom others have mentioned, might be autistic...which is probably why I really like her. 😅

She recently took the AQ test and scored really high.
I like Sabine, she is a no bull person. says it like it is. Beautiful math is not the be all end all after all the math not found yet could be what is missing.seen this before. The stuff i wrote on this thread does not require math just pictures which I describe. Some are very simple once you see it its hard to unsee it then you get surprised why others did not see this. I love seeing the reaction of educated people when they see for the first time.
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If you want to understand physics visually define a Plank length as one unit in length this in turn will define all others
so space itself is quantized. Length could be positive or negative.
Just watched the latest Chris the brain video on time what he describes is virtually identical to what I visualize in my head, starting to wonder if how I connect things is an ability. The more I watch his videos the more impressed I get. He basically gets what I see in my minds eye I see a bit more he has not gotten to yet. Looking forward to his future video on quaternions. No idea how to do this type of math on the surface looks easy. Chris like me is an amateur, actually a marketing expert, math and physics genius.exactually the type of person Lee Smolin, in the book The trouble with physics, spoke about who will be the next guy to make the break through. Better him then me.

Just watched a video of Einsteins back story stunning.
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Just watched Sabines latest u-tube video on Einstein's other theory which he abandoned vert similar to what Chris and the Brain and I see their is something their. Boy Albert got close. To bad Ed WItten threw the driver off the bus and continues driving the bus down the wrong fork in the road nobody now wants to backtrack The paradigm shift is time and gravity are emergent. Looking for quantum gravity is as silly as looking for quantum temperature.
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The more I think about it the more I realize the past and future are connected. Time is indeterminate in the same way length is.
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Read a lot of biographies of EInstein, realized they all glossed over he could not get a job for nine years after graduating from University then ended up with position in patent office. Typical Aspie. First paper was ignored for five years.

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