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  • I hate not having anyone i can depend on and consult when i have problems. I just have to use my own better judgement and risk making wrong decisions i guess
    Guilt is a powerful emotion, often far removed from logic.
    I would feel guilty bc he is a very calm person who never got angry and constantly praises me and my work. I have been fired from multiple places before this so feel like i "owe" my employer for having hired an autistic person (even if he is unaware)
    That's quite understandable...
    Woke up with a feeling of loneliness and apathy. Thought about my ex friend of 15 years who ghosted me.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    Also I am sorry that you were hurt and don't trust people. I use to be the same for years. I want to let you know that there are trustworthy people out there that are nice, don't judge or care if your autistic and are your true friends when you need them. It's hard to trust people after years being ignored but hope is not lost. I pray you find good people.
    Thanks. What hurts is memories mostly and getting too attached to them. I hope i do find good people but more than that i want to be someone who does not need or expect more than what people can give.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I understand. I was hurt by my last only few friends over 20 years ago when they got married and straight up told me that they only wanted to hang out with couples.

    I backsliding for 15 years, bitter and angry. It took me a long time to trust people again but then I found a great community in both my church and yoga. I have more trust and true friends for real.
    I feel too tired and socially anxious to go clothes shopping. Maybe i should get into online shopping but i am scared to share my credit card number
    I do almost all online. However, l use trusted known sites. Your favorite places maybe online. Also you can ask if the site is trusted. I just was going to purchase a Instapot, however l goggled the site's name, and it wasn't considered trustful.
    What bugs me is that most sites save your credit card number automatically when you have an account. Even when you disable it.
    I am too tired. Sometimes i wish i was old and could live in a care home or something.
    Misty Avich
    Me too. I'd like to not have to work and just receive a state pension. But I'm not old enough. Nowhere near.
    Me also. I have been retired, it's kinda of a change, but my last job burnt me out!
    I decided to not cancel my plans for taking a week off this month. Even my mom who is a perfectionist said i have the right to use my paid leave.
    In some places it is seen as a duty, not a right, to take paid leave. I believe it is better for one's long term well-being. Sounds like you are doing the right thing:)
    Lol my country is def. Not one of those places. Most workplaces don't ever let you take a paid leave, like ever.
    That is sad, and not good for anyone, I'm happy your workplace at least let's you take it :)
    Being okay with being disliked is so freeing. I never imagined i would be okay with it but i have come a long way
    A success story!!
    Yep, once you figure out that nobody likes you or wants you around, you can stop trying to please them and live your own life.
    @oregano : well i think i would still be concerned if everyone hated me but luckily this is not the case.
    So apparently the new employee has zero work experience. Fun times for me yet again. I hope my therapist can somehow help me navigate this quitting process.
    It does not help that i am apparently good at my job too, and my employer praises and relies on me a great deal. And it gives me a sense of self confidence.
    My usual Sunday evening anxiety is worse today. Just wishing i can make a clean escape from this job as soon as possible.
    @Levitator: I had to google that lol. I just hope nothing bad happens before i quit.
    You aren't required to babysit your employer. I understand. But their economic survival isn't your responsibility.
    You have fiduciary duties to your employer, yes, and to your clients yes.
    But your first and foremost duty is to yourself.
    I got asked again why i don't want children yet again by people who have 0 idea about my life and circumstances. I hate nosy people so much.
    I also have to note that i don't live in the US, where there are more oppurtunities/help for autistic people. In my country, there is absolutely none.
    @Misty Avich: you are not useless. Motherhood is one of the biggest decisions in the world, you can not take this decision back. People have every right to opt out of this.
    @oregano My point was that I consider it a poor excuse to have children. "Who will take care of you when you are old?" Me. I can take care of myself. My own health is my own business. If it deteriorates, so be it. Let me die.
    This responsibility of my job is too heavy for me. If i fail and someone files a complaint i am done. I feel so stressed i cannot breathe and i want to quit my job.
    Yes, they might sue me for neglecting my duty, and file a complaint to the bar. (I am an attorney) neglecting duty is also a criminal offense that can be committed by attorneys and government officials
    Oh boy, Florida has tons of neglectful attorneys. Lol
    @Aspychata: Same here. I def. don't want to be one of them though
    I believe in free will, in terms that everyone always has room to improve and the chance to do so even in the most limited circumstances. It might be too idealistic, but i want to believe this.
    Three people quit their job in one week. I wish i could find the right time to quit too
    I’ve been at my place of work for about 2.5 years and in that time we have had 49 leave or come and go in quick succession in our department alone. That’s how much my place sucks.
    My last job, l asked if there was heavy turnover.
    Me too, they always lie lol.
    So many books/web novels to read so little time! Added The Brothers Karamazov to my "to read" list
    Never read the book, but I do recall the movie. Actors going down different paths.

    Dmitiri Karamazov got terminal cancer. And Alexey Karamazov got Star Trek.
    I will watch the movie after i read the book. I don't read classics much, much less russian literature but it sounds interesting.
    Spent some time with my dear father, being our silly selves. It helped get life's troubles out of my mind as it always did. I am so grateful that my father is who he is.
    I am very anxious and don't know what to do to change this. I have work to do but dont have any energy to do anything
    I feel so guilty for existing in people's lives and masking to seem normal. If they knew i was autistic they would not befriend me from the start and it would be easier
    I am so tired of life. I want to quit my job, quit trying to have friends and a social life. I feel too tired for all of this.
    You've been thinking about quitting the job for quite a while.
    Yeah, i am just scared i wont be able to get another job and my mental health will get even worse.
    The secretary at work decided to quit all of a sudden too. She said she wasnt thinking of working for a while, and i know for a fact she does need money. She is so carefree
    Or perhaps she hated her job even more than you. I've quit jobs before without any work to go to. Risky business, but sometimes one has to "Get out of Dodge" to keep their own sanity.
    Maybe, but she was a slacker so i dont have much sympathy for her
    I know what you mean. Saw a lot of them come and go in my dept. in one job. Most of them though simply got the boot before they could bail. Leaving the rest of us to make up the difference.
    Life goes on despite everything. Just because someone treats you like trash world does not stop turning. Everything becomes alright and normal day by day
    What do you do when your friend might have understood you are strange/abnormal and stopped regularly messaging you? Do i start being distant to not inconvenience her or should i continue like nothing happened?
    @Raggamuffin I am okay with people taking a long time to reply. My problem is she used to message me everyday all the time and suddenly stopped when i accidentally slipped with my mask. Suddenly the atmosphere changed.
    @Atrapa Almas don't think like that, everyone wants friends. But i think you should look at people's actions and not their words, and maybe hold back from accepting them even when you want to.
    Just ask her, hey is everything okay? I haven't heard much from you. If the conversation is cold, then she has put u in the outer circle of friends
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