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  • So frustrated and stressed and I just want to scream in to the abyss.
    Feeling any better?
    Sorry for the late reply but not really. Things are just so out of control, there's no such thing as peace in our home and yesterday and today have been "grey days" as I call it. Sorry, slightly vented, didn't mean to do that but I feel like I shouldn't delete what I typed.
    Ever have a family member force you to send a message to another family member and you don't mean it so you're just in a bad mood and you're like "why do I have to do it?!"
    If I've understood correctly, then yes, unfortunately, my mother would make me do things like that often. But usually I'd have to say it as it was mostly before mobile phones were a thing. I describe it as her using me as a human shield. Not a pleasant experience :-(
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