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  • I can't sympathize with illogical people
    My mother-in-law interprets everything she’s aware of in the world as messages from god to her and her church... Not very logical (and pretty obscene when it comes to wars and famines and so forth), but she’s happy in her own little world.
    Existence as a story book that confirms one’s sense of self-worth I guess.
    I don't think being a religious person automatically makes someone illogical, but Yeah there seems to be a lot of religious people like that.
    No, religion in and of itself is not necessarily illogical, nor is religious belief required to be illogical... just the illustration that occurred to me in the moment. ;)
    I am soooo confused i feel like i am not capable enough for this job!
    They didn't talk about a trial period, and i am not sure if there will be someone who helps me. Although my cousin's friend does work there, and my cousin told me that he is a nice person.. But i still don't want to bother people.
    Oh and there is a cat in the office! This is one of the reasons i am seriously considering the position haha.
    LOL I hear you!

    Maybe it would be possible to ask them if they can assign someone to assist you in the beginning? Phrase it as not so much as needing help, but them being able to make full use of your abilities faster if someone gets you up to speed with things ;)
    Good advice! My cousin did say her friend can help me at first, and she would support me too. (she is also a lawyer)
    And the person who interviewed me also seemed very nice.
    They didn't call so maybe that's for the best..
    Have you had the call?
    How did it go?

    (It’s 7am Tuesday where I am... so in my head it should definitely have occurred ;p )
    The interview is scheduled for today there is literally less than one hour! I'll let you know how it goes.
    Ah! Okey dokey: good luck :)
    Why are some people unnecessarily mean?
    Yes: I was never directly bullied.
    What happened was I was told I didn’t need to attend meetings which everyone else was going to, and given “advice” on my projects that was actually sabotage.

    So, yes... always attend meetings, and never do anything on the advice of someone who may see you as competition for the next promotion that comes up.
    Well, the law offices here are not really like companies. The offices i worked before had only 3 or 4 people and there were all lawyers. Some offices have a secretary and that's it.
    There are large companies that have their law department but they are very few, even if there is i don't think there are any people concerned with bullying.. .
    That’s about the same size as the construction design company I worked at: 4 technical designers, one financial secretary, one general secretary, one site manager, one engineering consultant and the manager/owner.

    It was only one of my fellow three junior designers who set to undermining me with those tactics.
    Trying not to have emotions. Emotions suck!
    Maybe pushed around by something that is hard to control. Like you are being manipulated?
    I am so in agreement. Sometimes l hate feelings. Too much muck. To much thinking.
    Yeah i sometimes logically understand i don't deserve to feel this way but can't help it.
    I noticed that i miss learning japanese so i downloaded duolingo again!
    Nice I actually have a tab of duolingo Japanese right now :D
    I have been doing Latin for awhile. The content is sort of strange.
    Not like previous Latin course I have used.
    I always have a thing for Japanese, but stay away because of Alphabet, but since you mentioned; maybe I can just speak, but not write.
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