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  • I had almost the same experience in December a few years ago,my benefits were stopped and I had no heating and barely any food at all, I have never been so depressed but that was five or six weeksprobably a few days without food wouldn't give you as bad depression wish I'd known food banks existed but that's hindsight
    See you're back on the electric or Sunderland way is to say lectric!how are you ?
    Yes. OK. No injuries or damage. Just no power until now. Been rough with heat and finding food. Thank you.
    I hope your okay. I was hoping we would hear from you by now. My thoughts are with you. : )
    I was wondering how many people won't go back to Florida permanently?same for the British Virgin Islands!the climate has changed .
    Same with a village in Cornwall southern England that floods, I know the insurance is big in the uk for flood zones.
    That is a good point. People might lose houses and jobs and have no choice, either.
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