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  • Hi, OkRad.

    Thanks for the explanation about the indoor camping and resetting the circadian rhythm that you wrote on the forum. I'm intrigued by the idea and wanted to ask you some more questions, but I cannot remember how to send a private message using this forum. Could you send me a private message so that I can respond and ask you a few more questions?
    Hello! :) I could probably cut and paste into Google Translate but here I am asking you. I don't know any other alphabets - is this Greek? And is it a cultural connection for you?
    Hi! It is the beginning of Homer's Iliad :) Greek indeed!
    Ah, that's right, you love reading classics, don't you?
    μῆνιν ἄειδε θεὰ Πηληϊάδεω Ἀχιλῆος οὐλομένην
    Απλά να είσαι άντρας :)
    google translate cdn't do anything with that first one, but for the second phrase they gave me: "Just to be a man."
    I will decipher these glyphs unlocking the Stargate.
    Nyna fou devas.
    Do not go gentle into that good night,
    Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light,
    My promised quote. You were starting to remind me of dylan thomas, so there you go!
    Cripes! hahaha. He had quite a life. I think the only thing I have in common is radio broadcasting! Poor guy................ummmm.........
    You're welcome. And as more helpful advice: I don't think Russia or North Korea should concern you. Putin is too cunning to let his country get killed. And Kim Jong-Un ain't no Adolf Hitler. He lacks the things that made him a powerhouse.
    I recommend you avoid certain 80's movies. They only strengthen fear of nuclear annihilation. Plus, if you're anything like me, they'll unwillingly convince you that everyone who tries to help you/writes those lists on how to survive nukes is a moron.
    That is so true! Actually, my trigger was 1984 by Orwell and then I saw the Book of Eli! Back to back by coincidence. Week. But I really liked what you said about if everyone else is NOT panicking... Then maybe I don't need to either. Thanks!
    Happy birthday! :)
    (Since all of us are all over the globe, I have no idea if this birthday banner is showing up at the proper time for your birthday)
    Haha! Thank you, Steam! I have some GABA right now, but it's not in use. I may try it again. I take the other one called.L theanine at night. It helps. One formula has the GABA in it, too.
    Full Steam
    Full Steam
    L-theanine is next on my list, and I can see that helping a lot. Read the post I linked when you get time as I've found a few other things that work.
    Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 129 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 78 of 200 You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie)
    I like 19th century literature, and history. I have books in my car as well. I thought I was the only one. What do you read?
    History as well, but mostly Ancient History, the Greeks and Romans! It's my special interest, though I can't reduce a love of classics to autism. Almost every philosopher was obsessed with Homer, too, and I doubt they were all autistic! :) Do you do anything with your reading? I have a You Tube Channel.
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