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I really hate rumours

Misty Avich

I have ADHD
V.I.P Member
There's a rumour going around at work about the garage being bought by another company, meaning that our garage could be merged with a much bigger garage elsewhere, and everything will change. I don't usually mind change but big changes like this can make me anxious because it doesn't sound like a positive change for us.
Where I work it's a small, friendly, laid-back place, with a lovely supervisor, and good shifts. If this merger does go ahead like the rumours say, we would be relocated to a much bigger garage, with much more people, and a lot of the people I work with wouldn't want to relocate and would probably leave and go looking for work elsewhere. Looking for work is stressful for me, as my ADHD and anxiety issues goes against me a lot of times in the employment world and I lack confidence. The garage I work at is ADHD/ASD/anxiety-friendly and those sorts of places are rare (even though nobody there knows about my ASD, some know about my ADHD because I told them, and my anxiety is obvious). But even so, it's suitable for me in every way.

I can see me being miserable at the new garage, as people who have worked there before said that it's not a very friendly place and everyone is under pressure and overworked, and the work is repetitive. I find repetitiveness very stressful because it can get so boring and not very challenging. In my role at the garage I'm at now each day is different but never stressful. I clean coaches (buses) and the garage, but it isn't as repetitive as you may think.
I understand most jobs are repetitive but some are more repetitive than others.

But it is also a rumour so might not actually be happening. But I've heard of rumours actually happening, not at work but anywhere. People say ''don't worry about it until it happens, if ever'', but when you have anxiety as soon as your hear an unpleasant rumour you can't help having that cloud of doom hanging over you that you can't get away from, no matter how much you try to distract your thoughts away from it.

Why do people love to spread rumours? Why can't people just stay quiet until they know for certain? The thing is with rumours is that the majority of people believe them like they're written in black and white. One co-worker is even jumping the gun by looking for a new job because she's so sure this will happen.
False or not, it's hard to not listen when your co-workers are discussing it at lunch like it's really happening.

Just venting here. Feeling anxious.
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I think those same people are the ones that have to make the first comments on youtube videos claiming and just simply stating that they were "first." I think those same people are probably why TMZ is popular and shouldn't be.
There's a rumour going around at work about the garage being bought by another company, meaning that our garage could be merged with a much bigger garage elsewhere, and everything will change.
Mergers and acquisitions. Always a very real possibility in the business world.

Something I went through myself, with an employer I had nearly twenty years with. They were not only reorganizing how the corporation operated, but also scaling back nearly everything, nearly doubling everyone's workload. It made life hell. I wanted out.

Oddly enough, people didn't start rumors until it was too late. The corporate shareholders on the London Market elected to sell off all US assets of the company. I thought it all looked terribly ominous and discreetly turned in my two weeks notice having pieced most of it together, and having some allies in our home office to confirm my suspicions. But I kept my mouth shut so as to leave the company under the best of circumstances, with the exception that I had no job waiting for me.

Later given my pension, I learned how the company was merged with another insurer. In four short years an east coast insurer bought the whole thing and sold off all the west coast branches.

The best thing you can do is not to talk about such things, but to listen to what is said and what is happening. Sadly with good reason to feel anxious. But in such a situation you have to look after yourself, as your employer won't.
There's a rumour going around at work about the garage being bought by another company, meaning that our garage could be merged with a much bigger garage elsewhere, and everything will change. I don't usually mind change but big changes like this can make me anxious because it doesn't sound like a positive change for us.
Where I work it's a small, friendly, laid-back place, with a lovely supervisor, and good shifts. If this merger does go ahead like the rumours say, we would be relocated to a much bigger garage, with much more people, and a lot of the people I work with wouldn't want to relocate and would probably leave and go looking for work elsewhere. Looking for work is stressful for me, as my ADHD and anxiety issues goes against me a lot of times in the employment world and I lack confidence. The garage I work at is ADHD/ASD/anxiety-friendly and those sorts of places are rare (even though nobody there knows about my ASD, some know about my ADHD because I told them, and my anxiety is obvious). But even so, it's suitable for me in every way.

I can see me being miserable at the new garage, as people who have worked there before said that it's not a very friendly place and everyone is under pressure and overworked, and the work is repetitive. I find repetitiveness very stressful because it can get so boring and not very challenging. In my role at the garage I'm at now each day is different but never stressful. I clean coaches (buses) and the garage, but it isn't as repetitive as you may think.
I understand most jobs are repetitive but some are more repetitive than others.

But it is also a rumour so might not actually be happening. But I've heard of rumours actually happening, not at work but anywhere. People say ''don't worry about it until it happens, if ever'', but when you have anxiety as soon as your hear an unpleasant rumour you can't help having that cloud of doom hanging over you that you can't get away from, no matter how much you try to distract your thoughts away from it.

Why do people love to spread rumours? Why can't people just stay quiet until they know for certain? The thing is with rumours is that the majority of people believe them like they're written in black and white. One co-worker is even jumping the gun by looking for a new job because she's so sure this will happen.
False or not, it's hard to not listen when your co-workers are discussing it at lunch like it's really happening.

Just venting here. Feeling anxious.
People spread rumors because it is a kind of social currency: potential information, a heads-up.

It is a kind of favor, and they hope for reciprocity if someone else hears something juicy. Some people are probably already planning what to do, just in case. If there are things you could do to prepare, do them and let it go. If there is nothing you can do to prepare, let it go anyhow.

If it doesn't happen, the worry accomplishes nothing except to make you miserable. If it does happen, It still does nothing but make you miserable.
I can't help it though. Worrying is a human emotion and is the trademark for anxiety disorder. Like I said, no matter how logical I try to be, it still doesn't stop that cloud hanging over me.

I've woken up feeling depressed this morning. The anxiety has turned into depression.

I guess saying "you can't do anything about it so why worry?" is like saying "you can't bring a dead loved one back so why cry?" Crying is an emotional reaction to the death of a loved one. Worrying is an emotional reaction to a suggested change in your life.
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I can't help it though. Worrying is a human emotion and is the trademark for anxiety disorder. Like I said, no matter how logical I try to be, it still doesn't stop that cloud hanging over me.

I've woken up feeling depressed this morning. The anxiety has turned into depression.

I guess saying "you can't do anything about it so why worry?" is like saying "you can't bring a dead loved one back so why cry?" Crying is an emotional reaction to the death of a loved one. Worrying is an emotional reaction to a suggested change in your life.
Completely understandable. In general it seems most of us put a premium on routine and consistency in our lives, even when it includes so many things so far beyond our control.

And if we were to prioritize where routine is most appreciated, for many it may well begin with one's job. Conversely however, over the years I began to realize just how dynamic employment itself is, particularly given how inherent competitive marketplaces have become. A very different consideration compared to living in the 20th century.
Completely understandable. In general it seems most of us put a premium on routine and consistency in our lives, even when it includes so many things so far beyond our control.

And if we were to prioritize where routine is most appreciated, for many it may well begin with one's job. Conversely however, over the years I began to realize just how dynamic employment itself is, particularly given how inherent competitive marketplaces have become. A very different consideration compared to living in the 20th century.
No wonder many Aspies find the world of employment stressful. These days it's all about money, money, money, and the more money businesses make the less satisfied they are, so they make huge changes without really considering what's best for their employees or the public. It just angers me and makes me wish I didn't have to be part of this greedy society.

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