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  • Hands of time will wring my neck. Every little moment spells regret. But I don’t have to feel this way, as a voice inside my head.
    Time for me to make more changes in my diet. Strip away my favorite foods. Boo hoo hoo, sob sob sob, I want a pity party and you’re all invited.
    I want to fall asleep and not wake up for a while, I know things do not work this way but I want my knee to repair itself while I sleep a few days.
    Just took a pain pill for my knee, which was prescribed for after my surgery three months ago. Giving the rest of the pills back to the pharmacy for disposal tomorrow. I do not need another addiction and I feel euphoria now.
    I feel like throwing in the towel in life, becoming a NEET and doing nothing but watching movies and playing video games for the rest of my life. That is my depression talking to me.
    Misty Avich
    I feel like that also. I just feel like taking to my bed and watching every episode of The Simpsons back to back, because I much prefer their society than the one I'm in
    Sometimes you need a period of vegging
    The bleakness of life can feel overwhelming sometimes. Maybe find small things to be thankful for? Right now, l am so thankful to have a roof, food, clothes, car and some friends. Screw the rest of it.
    I want an end to my arthritis issues.
    Are you taking any Vitamin C?

    My doctor wanted the address of the place I got Vitamin C powder from so she could
    offer that to other patients. Wasn't cut with milk powder or any other filler.
    Gout is a form of arthritis. At least in this instance, changing your diet will help to alleviate those symptoms. To take a close look at everything rich in purines you are consuming, and to either stop or cut back accordingly. As for basic forms of arthritis, well..for me it just slowly comes with age.
    I want better physical health and I am working on it. Shame my body rebels against it with pain sometimes.
    Are you taking anything for the pain? I've got a million chronic pain issues myself, #1 thing my physical therapist told me is basically Advil & icing to stop inflammation. Since that leads to even more pain and restriction.
    I feel like I want to be a full time video gamer, drowning in Twitch ad revenue and hot male groupies.
    Every journey has a first step! Maybe you could start streaming on Twitch? Maybe you could upload some play throughs on YouTube and build an audience that way and then direct viewers to Twitch? Most channels I watch on YouTube started out with occasional videos and after a while they got pretty huge! :)
    Hey, if you can pay bills, and be happy, and you aren't harming anyone, go for it! :)
    I woke up with my right knee feeling stiff and in a ton of pain. And I have to walk to the bus stop with this.
    I am starting to walk long distances on a daily basis. My legs feel like spaghetti, but I will keep this up.
    Remember to take some rest days as well! It's also good, rather than increasing distance linearly, to plateau, adjust to that, and then continuing.
    You can also mix it up a bit by throwing in some speedwalking here and there.
    The MyFitnessPal app just told me that 900 calories was not enough for me today. Heh.
    Even Dr. Now gives his patients 1200 calories a day. (My 600 Pound Life, tv show.)
    Dr Now has a beer belly maybe he should get on his own diet programme that he scolds people for failing 😂
    Watching Star Wars while it’s 1:16 on a Sunday morning. Soundproofed house means I can blast it through my speakers without disturbing any neighbors.
    I did not soundproof it. The people who built the house did that. :)
    That's pretty amazing! We live in a big old Victorian house so the walls are quite solid and sound insulating, but I still feel nervous about turning my Hi Fi up loud! :oops: There's nothing quite like listening to a good set of speakers in their power band!
    "Soundproof" as in old, solid masonry construction? Unusual if the case. Everything here is wood frame construction with masonry veneer at best. But then there's a reason for it all...
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