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Recent content by Darkkin

  1. Darkkin

    Reading as a special interest?

    I usually have six to eight books in active rotation at any given time and never go anywhere without at least three in my bag (I'm a mood reader (often a rereader (Anne of Green Gables series, Pern, Georgette Heyer, Tairen Soul series, Throne of Glass, Kingkiller Chronicles...just to name a...
  2. Darkkin

    Putting the Pieces Together

    Warm soaking rain today, so I am taking advantage of it. All my plants with the exception of a couple hydros, my violets, and orchids are now on the deck. Pretty sure my neighbors think I'm the crazy plant lady.
  3. Darkkin

    I was sad today.

    Doing the sensible (right) thing is often a mixed bag of emotions. Long term, you made sure that kitty was safe and set up for the best possible future. By giving that kitty a chance at adoption you have by extention offered a huge opportunity for love and potential for another person...
  4. Darkkin

    Putting the Pieces Together

  5. Darkkin

    Putting the Pieces Together

  6. Darkkin

    What pets do you have? Why? How did you choose them?

    Rats are highly intelligent and easy to train. In Africa they actually have programs that have trained giant rats how to find undetinated landmines in the war ravaged areas. (The rats are light enough not to trigger them, but also sensitive enough to find them before they can be triggered.)
  7. Darkkin

    What is Your Pet Doing Right Now?

    Snowy days, looking for white pelicans, sharing snacks, and too many books.
  8. Darkkin

    What is Your Pet Doing Right Now?

    The random goofiness of my boys. We have our PA practice work with Marlowe at Home Depot later this afternoon.
  9. Darkkin

    What do you wish your parents had done differently?

    Having seen how far our understanding about the complexities of ASD and other divergences has come in the last thirty years, I'm going to be a red herring and not be too judgemental on my mom. She raised three of us on her own, two known divergent (my brother ADHD, and myself, AuADHD). My...
  10. Darkkin

    Doing things you're not interested in

    Doing something you don't particularly like to please another person is a form of compromise that is essential in a healthy relationship. If they can't do that, it is a serious caution marker that maybe: 1.) The individual isn't emotionally mature enough to handle a relationship 2.) It is an...
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